The seminar on "Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center" and "Guangdong Key Trademark Protection List" was successfully concluded in cooperation with PCI and Future Community

本站 本站 2023-08-28 207

为贯彻习近平总书记关于强化企业科技创新主体地位的系列重要讲话精神,深入实施创新驱动发展战略,高质量推动我省科技创新平台建设,On August 25, 2023, jointly held by PCI Jiadu | Future Community and Guangdong Electronic Information Industry AssociationGuangdong Province Engineering technology research center declaration policyThe theme salon event was held in PCI· Future Community (Keyun Park Area), and policy consulting experts were invited to systematically sort out the key points and precautions for the enterprises to declare, and answer questions for everyone to help the successful declaration。

Activity site

Cao Tingyi, Director of Industrial Service Department of Jiadu Group Co., LTD., Xie Liang, invited Lecturer of Guangzhou Productivity Promotion Center, Yang Junyi, Deputy Secretary General of Guangdong Electronic Information Industry Association, Huang Qiwen, Director of Innovation Center of Guangdong SME Development Promotion Association, Qiu Mingchu, Guangzhou Tianhe District Innovation Incubation Association and other expert leaders attended the event,Representatives of enterprises from the park and other cities in the province have carried out a warm discussion on this theme,It has attracted network information, electrical technology, new material technology and other fields40 people attended and the response was enthusiastic。

         活动In the meetingXie Liang, guest lecturer of Guangzhou Productivity Promotion Center围绕Guangdong Province Engineering Technology Research Center application points and points for attentionTopic to shareIn detail企业Counter declarationGuangdong Engineering Technology Research CenterApplication qualification, materials preparation, etcMatters needing attention。

Xie Liang, guest lecturer, Guangzhou Productivity Promotion Center Topic sharing

       On the day of the event,Yang Junyi, deputy secretary General of Guangdong Electronic Information Industry AssociationI brought it for youGuangdong Province key trademark protection list政策's sermon。The List of Key Trademarks of Guangdong Province aims to protect key trademarks whose domicile of the trademark registrant or where the product is manufactured or sold is within the administrative region of Guangdong Province。为此,Deputy Secretary-General Yang JunyiPolicy backgroundBrief introduction to the protection list and declaration of benefitsAnd the declaration processGo to depth讲解。

Yang Junyi, deputy secretary General of Guangdong Electronic Information Industry Association Topic sharing

The representatives of the enterprises present here have expressed that today分享The content is full of dry goods, vivid and comprehensive, the experts explain detailed and in-depth, practical and strong活动Benefit a lot。On-site interactive question and answer session, business representatives compete to ask questions, experts to participate in the business representatives of the doubts, difficulties to answer one by one。

Through this timeExchange activityParticipating enterprises said to the provincial engineering technology research centerProvincial key trademark protection listMore in-depth understanding of how to enjoy the relevant policy preferences have a clearer understanding。Over the years, Guangdong Electronic Information Industry Association has been insisting on providing government-enterprise cooperation, enterprise empowerment, industrial docking and other services for the electronic information manufacturing industry in our province。In the future, I will continue to give full play to the advantages of the industry platform, provide electronic information manufacturing enterprises with all-round cooperation and exchanges in the industrial chain, and create opportunities for enterprises to find common development and mutual benefit。