I will participate in the launch ceremony of Baiyun Base in 2023 for the special action promotion meeting of "100 cities, thousands of communities and enterprises to help Employment" in Guangdong Province and the high-quality development of social organization services

本站 本站 2023-07-07 185

       为深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神和习近平总书记视察广东重要讲话、重要指示精神,高标准高质量推进学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,7月6日,It is guided by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security,Guangdong Social Organization Administration and Guangzhou Baiyun District People's Government co-sponsored the 2023 Guangdong Province "hundreds of cities, thousands of communities and enterprises to help employment" special action promotion and social organization services high-quality development Baiyun Base launch ceremony was held in Guangzhou,Continue to deepen and integrate social organizations to promote the high-quality development of college graduates' employment and services。Chen Xiaoyong, deputy Director of the Social Organization Administration of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, attended the meeting to guide。Ding Hongdu, Secretary of the Party Group of Guangdong Provincial Department of Civil Affairs attended the meeting, Zhang Chen, Director of the Department of Civil Affairs, Zhu Chaohua, first-level inspector of the Department of Education, Xie Zhongbao, member of the Party Group and deputy director of the Department of Human Resources and Social Security, delivered speeches。He Jingqing, Secretary of Baiyun District Party Committee of Guangzhou, delivered a welcoming speech。Xu Xiaomin, Secretary-General of Guangdong Electronic Information Industry Association, and Yang Junyi, deputy Secretary-General, attended the meeting。

       Activity site,The Social Organization Administration of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Guangdong Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau, Guangzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, and Guangzhou Baiyun District Government leaders jointly unveiled the "High-quality Development of Social Organization Service Baiyun Base",We will build a comprehensive information service platform for social organizations to help promote employment, a talent training platform for social organizations to connect employment supply and demand, and an exchange and cooperation platform for social organizations to link resources,The base is committed to international exchange, project cooperation, communication and display, innovation incubation, comprehensive service five functions,To provide professional, scientific, standardized and intensive one-stop cluster services for domestic and foreign social organizations。同时,Fit the characteristics of the "6+6" modern industrial system of Baiyun District, Guangzhou (namely the development of six hundred billion industrial clusters and six hundred billion industrial clusters),Baiyun District Civil Affairs Bureau and the strategic cooperation social organization held the Baiyun District "6+6" modern industrial cluster strategic cooperation signing ceremony,Baiyun District Investment Promotion Bureau and social organizations investment representatives held Guangzhou Baiyun District investment partners award ceremony,Better leverage the strengths and characteristics of social organizations,Promote economic development。Afterwards, representatives from the Civil affairs bureaus of Guangzhou and Dongguan, social organizations and scholars from universities shared the theme of "Helping Employment and promoting development" from different perspectives of the government, social organizations and schools。

       In recent years, Guangdong Electronic Information Industry Association has played an increasingly significant role in the development of high-quality services, and has become an important supporting force for the high-quality development of the industry in our province。I will further give play to the important role of industry associations in connecting the government, enterprises and the market,Relying on online and offline carriers,Focus on mining local, characteristic industries in the field, modern service industry and other fields of job information,Master the type of employer, the number of positions and the requirements of professional skills,Collect and publish industry employment information,Proactively provide employment matching services,Better help Guangdong's high-quality development。

       The event also set up a sub-venue to connect the resources of all parties, and held a series of activities such as a carnival to help employment and an exchange meeting to promote development。Build a live broadcast platform on the spot, and carry out online live broadcasting for social organizations, enterprises and colleges in need。Organize human resources practitioners to help students and job seekers conduct on-site assessment, on-site mock interview, on-site practice employment, etc., and carry out one-stop employment guidance services。Social organizations to help Baiyun District "6+6" modern industrial cluster development exchange meeting, discuss industry development, high-quality development to promote high-quality employment。

       It is reported that since the launch of the special action of "hundreds of cities, thousands of communities and enterprises to help employment" in Guangdong Province in 2022, it has closely joined hands with political schools and social enterprises, actively expanded employment channels, extensively linked jobs, and continued to mobilize more than 100 counties and urban areas in the province and more than 20,000 social organizations to provide 11.More than 60,000 jobs, signed a letter of intent to employment 3.50,000, and remarkable results have been achieved in helping social organizations stabilize employment。