I will participate in the digital economy core industry statistical data quality improvement seminar and electronic information manufacturing industry statistical survey data annual review meeting

本站 本站 2023-07-03 221

为贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示批示精神和工业和信息化部提升工业和信息化领域统计质量有关工作要求,To organize and carry out statistical investigation work scientifically and effectively,Effectively improve the quality of industry statistics,The Information Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is under the guidance of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,From June 28 to 30, the seminar on improving the quality of statistical data of core industries of digital economy and the annual review meeting of statistical survey data of electronic information Manufacturing Industry was organized in Beijing。More than 80 people participated in the operation Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Statistical Law Enforcement and Supervision Bureau of the National Bureau of Statistics, the Information center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government), and the industry and information technology departments of the planned cities in charge of industry statistics and data application。Deputy Secretary-General Zhou Guangqiang attended the meeting and made a speech on behalf of Guangdong Province。

At the meeting, all the delegatesFocusing on the statistics of the electronic information manufacturing industry, software and information technology service industry, in-depth exchanges were conducted and industry research was carried out on improving the quality of industry statistics and high-quality development of data-driven industries。During the discussion and exchange session, the person in charge of the Statistical Analysis Department of the Operation Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stressed the importance of strengthening the standardization of industry statistics in the new era, introduced the development of special actions to improve the quality of statistics in the field of industry and information technology, and put forward the work requirements for improving the management level of the industry to support statistics。The leaders of the Information Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology introduced the main achievements of the center in recent years in the field of industry statistics monitoring, big data governance and application, data decision support services and other aspects。The person in charge of the General Department of the Law Enforcement Bureau of the National Bureau of Statistics gave special guidance on the implementation of the national statistical system, cooperation with statistical supervision and prevention of statistical fraud。The big data team of the Information Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology explained the implementation methods and skills of improving the quality of industrial statistical data。At the same time, representatives of various provinces and cities concentrated on the exchange of common problems and difficulties in the current industry statistics work, and combined with the application needs and quality requirements of the local industry and information technology authorities on the quality of statistical data, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on the quality improvement goals, paths and methods of industry statistics。At the meeting, Zhou Guangqiang, deputy secretary-general of the Association, as a representative of Guangdong electronic information manufacturing industry statistical work report and experience sharing, put forward suggestions on how to do a good job in the monitoring and statistics of the electronic information manufacturing industry。Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau, Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyThe statistical work of the electronic information manufacturing industry in our province has been fully affirmed and praised。

Electronic industry statistical survey data annual review link, concentrated on广东、Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, etc10Nearly 10,000 key enterprises in the remaining key provinces2022Annual statistical reportConduct audit and inspection, and conduct quality assessment from the aspects of completeness, consistency, effectiveness, accuracy, etc., find data problems, analyze the causes of problems, and propose follow-up specific improvement plans。

Industry research link,The participants went to the National Network Security Industrial Park (Beijing) Information Technology Application Innovation Exhibition Center, the Key Laboratory of Network Security Technology and Industrial Development of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Fengtai Innovation Center Commercial Password Application Innovation Exhibition and Promotion Center to carry out big data support industry management,As well as information technology application innovation, network and data security, commercial crypto industry development research。

Next step,我会Will follow the Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyDepartment of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong ProvinceRelated work deployment, running bureau in the ministryAnd provincial Office of industry and InformationGuided under, unitedCities across the provinceIndustry and information authorities, continueDo a good job of statistical operation monitoring of electronic information manufacturing industryThe quality of statistics of core industries of the digital economy has been improved, making new contributions to accelerating the building of a digital China。