"Party building, building a fortress and promoting development" Party building exchange activities inject "red kinetic energy" into industrial development

本站 本站 2023-06-19 287

To promote the implementation of the Nansha Plan"Ten actions" plan, give play to the professional advantages of science and technology societies, the Party branch of the Guangdong Electronic Information Industry Association of the Communist Party of China under the guidance of the Guangzhou Science and technology Society Party Committee,The Party branch of Guangdong Publishing Group Digital Publishing Co., LTDParty Branch of Guangzhou Tianji Electronic Technology Co., LTD., Party branch of Guangzhou General Rules Conway Intelligent Technology Co., LTD., Party Branch of Nansha Branch of China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co., LTD., inOn June 16, 2023, branch party members, probationary party members and enterprise representatives were organized to carry out an exchange activity of "Party building, building a fortress and promoting development" in Xian Xinghai (Hometown) Memorial Hall, Nansha District, Guangzhou。


       At the event, all comrades reviewed the oath to join the Party and expressed their firm belief in always following the Party。Then I visited Xian Xinghai (hometown) Memorial Hall, listened carefully to the introduction of the narrator, and reviewed the heroic story of Xian Xinghai, a revolutionary martyr who devoted himself to the anti-Japanese national salvation movement and created a large number of combative and appealing mass songs, which greatly encouraged the national morale and uplifted the national spirit。同志They were deeply educated, had been baptized by a traditional revolution, and said they wanted to learn"Perseverance, ambition, pragmatic, patriotic dedication" Xinghai spirit, firm ideals and beliefs, from the deeds of revolutionary martyrs to draw striving force, based on the post, dedication, courage to take responsibility, forGuangdong contributes to high-quality development。


       At the party building symposium,Cheng Zhipeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Science and Technology Association and a researcher of Guangzhou Science and Technology Association (municipal management), first delivered a speech for the event,Put forward in the face of new situations, new tasks and new requirements,How to give full play to the industrial chain cluster effect,Make the industrial chain more resilient,Upgrade the industrial chain,It is the primary subject of the party building work of the industry chain organized by science and technology societies。


       Comrade Xu Xiaomin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Guangdong Electronic Information Industry Association, according to the new requirements of the party construction of the industrial chain, combined with practical work experience, shared the analysis report on the development status of Guangdong's electronic information manufacturing industry for the participants, and injected new potential energy into the comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha。


       In the interactive session, the participantsThe industry chain units of the Party organization work interaction, resource sharing, complementary advantages, common development "discussion and exchange, both let the enterprise deeply feel well plannedImplementation of the Nansha PlanTen Actions PlanThe determination, but also felt the science and technology community organization party building leadership, the sincerity of helping the high-quality development of enterprises, and strengthened the confidence of innovation and development with the Party。


       The Yellow River sound memory of heroes, Xinghai spirit from generation to generation。Through half a day of substantial and meaningful themed party building joint construction activities, the Party's line and policies were propagated, the cohesion of grass-roots party organizations was stimulated, a new model of party building work in the industrial chain was explored, and a joint injection was made for industrial development"Red Kinetic Energy"。